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Fourth Quarter Internal STARS
Ashley Carey

We have opportunities in place for districts to nominate our staff for outstanding customer service, but felt we also needed a way for ESC employees to recognize each other. Each quarter will focus on one of our Four Dimensions. For the fourth quarter, we focused on-Reliability. The characteristics for this trait(RELIABILITY) are: Respects the time of self and others, respects and manages commitments, does their best work daily, and manages time effectively.

See who was recognized and what was said about them below!

Liela Anderson - "Liela has been relied upon this school year in many ways. She has been a consistent substitute when needed. She is the first in the classroom most mornings and comes to school excited. We can count on her to be in a good mood. She loves our students and it certainly shows. I am so grateful for her reliability and consistent support to her coworkers and our students."

Laura Ansley - "Laura has been nothing short of amazing this year. She is someone that I can depend on every day with every single task and situation. She handles challenges with grace and patience and strives to make a difference every day. Laura is a great example of a reliable team member."

Monika Aune - "The endless support she has provided WLS in school psychology services. Due to a shortage of school psychologists, she has stepped up to provide amazing support for our district. We have been blessed with her determination to meet our needs."

Alicia Ayers - "Ms. Alicia Respects students and staff on their expertise. She often asks "how can we help this student more." She does an amazing job at being level-headed. The most amazing thing Alicia does is builds great relationships with her families, students and the staff in her classroom." and "Alicia is constantly trying to do whatever she can to make sure her own classroom is successful, as well as trying to assist others. I know if I need anything at all, she will do whatever she can to help me out. She takes on so much and she makes sure she is completing all of her tasks. She is such an awesome example of what we should all try to be."

Joe Bachman - "Joe is responsive to texts, calls, and emails, he listens before making decisions, and he is interested in developing his staff according to their needs. He has a way with the kids that he can be the disciplinarian one day and then be "Joe" the guy who listens the next. He was a solid hire!"

Leanna Belcher - "Leanna is very organized at all times. She is positive, upbeat, and smiling, even during stressful times. Leanna is reliable and dependable, especially when planning preschool screenings and testing dates. She makes sure that all staff involved know the dates/times and the plan when scheduling. Leanna is always prepared so that all of the preschool screenings are well organized and efficient. Her quiet confidence puts others at ease. We are very lucky to have her as an ESC employee, as well as a member of the Preschool team." , "Leanna is the most reliable psychologist I have ever worked with! She always has her things done for ETRs so I can get my IEPs done asap. She is reliable in the fact that, even though it isn’t her job, she will stop by and check on me to make sure things are running smoothly because she knows it has been a very hard year. She is reliable as an employee and a friend and we are lucky to have her at Urbana preschool!" and "What an incredible job Leanna does with the preschool programs she serves. Her organization, communication, kindness, and professionalism are amazing. To say that she is RELIABLE is an understatement. Thank you Leanna for the wonderful job you do. You are appreciated! And our gross motor team never feels left out! You always remember us! ❤"

Cindy Bell - "Cindy Bell is a champ! Her RELIABILITY has made this time smooth sailing for her students while her classroom teacher AND the other classroom paraprofessional are both out on maternity leave. She has stepped in as a testing administrator and gives a boatload of support to her wonderful sub, Shelby Haffner. Although it's not uncommon for Cindy to be reliable, she has definitely gone above and beyond this quarter!"

Alicia Benavides - "Alicia has been very reliable in supporting our program classrooms. She provides a steadiness and flexibility that is very helpful to our students and staff!" and "Our classroom has been through a lot this quarter. As many of you know, Mrs. Ferryman was diagnosed with cancer recently. She has been out since Feb 16. Ms. Benavides and Ms. Culp have been a huge help, resource, and guiding light for our classroom. I know I can rely on their reliability and help whenever I need it. If not for them, their compassion, their knowledge, and their help, I would have lost my mind and our room would have suffered severely. Thank you for having my back, knowing I can count on you has been a huge help."

Kristi Borger - "Kristi always follows through on things no matter how busy she is. Often she will work after hours and on weekends to get things completed. If she tells you something, you can bank on it that it will happen."

Melissa Bowersock - "Melissa manages her time effectively and helps others do the same. For years, she has been integral in end-of-the-year planning for preschool. She leads the team by having a draft schedule ready for the meeting so that we can quickly and effectively go through it and make a plan for the upcoming year. This plan is important because it allows all the preschool staff to know what and when to expect screening, evals, IEPs, etc for the upcoming year and plan accordingly."

Angela Browning - "On a daily basis, Angela always manages her time wisely. This includes talking with each child daily, planning, and all the other items that she manages daily."

Ashley Carey - "Whenever I need something posted on social media, copies made, or help setting up for a training, I can rely on Ashley to either do the things for me or help me to get them done in a timely manner. While her title is "Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent," she can be counted on to assist anyone. Thank you, Ashley!"

Paige Class - "Paige stepped up to a big plate this year and deserves a big STAR for her endurance and professionalism, in taking on a HUGE job, sticking it out, and staying positive. Nursing is a very difficult job when you are short-staffed and have to spread yourself between three locations!! Maybe a cash award too!!"

Beau Clay - "Beau brings humor and fun to the classroom for our small friends. He can always be found helping make instruction fun with silly voices and skits related to stories. He can also be found maintaining a clean and exciting experience for the kids in our skills lab and classroom. When necessary Beau can also be found supporting other classrooms as needed. He is flexible and willing to always go the extra mile for this program."

Cynthia Clifton - "She is always early to work and comes in on her day off to assist the teacher she works with. She values your time when she is asking you to complete a project for her."

Melissa Copas - "Melissa is new to our team, and has proven to be very valuable. She is an excellent 1:1 with her student. She is patient, kind, and willing to learn quickly to offer the highest support. She not only is helpful to her student she is very helpful and willing to jump into any situation to grow as a paraprofessional. She asks questions and takes time to think about the response and asks strong follow-up questions. We are proud to have this valuable new asset on our team!"

Vicky Culp - "Our classroom has been through a lot this quarter. As many of you know, Mrs. Ferryman was diagnosed with cancer recently. She has been out since Feb 16. Ms. Benavides and Ms. Culp have been a huge help, resource, and guiding light for our classroom. I know I can rely on their reliability and help whenever I need it. If not for them, their compassion, their knowledge, and their help, I would have lost my mind and our room would have suffered severely.Thank you for having my back, knowing I can count on you has been a huge help."

James Cutlip-Savage - "James has been working diligently to get out the new professional learning opportunities for the 23-24 school year. His reliability means that districts can begin planning for next year now." and "I know that no matter what I need I can rely on James for help! He is a wealth of knowledge and we are lucky to have him in our office."

Jocellen Detwiler - "You are always on time, always willing to help and go to where she needs to go."

Taylor Dixon - "Taylor has created a bond with her student that is absolutely admirable. She works very hard to maintain this strong relationship while remaining firm and fair. She has given her student a voice in the classroom and helped him to show his unique personality."

Kelly Eckart - "Kelly Eckart is the definition of reliability. She shows up on time every day. She is caring, compassionate, and kind. 
We are blessed to have her in our classroom." and "Kelly is reliable. She comes to work and does her best daily. We rely heavily upon her to help manage behaviors in the classroom. Her patience and consistency are remarkable. I am so thankful for her help in the classroom this year!"

Mindy France - "I appreciate Mindy's dedication to her students and families. She is always open to helping staff better understand students' needs."

Pam Garland - "She is a very hard worker and dependable too."

Debbie Gaver - "Debbie always comes into work every day. She is always willing to help in any way possible with the students. She puts in extra time without even thinking; such as coming to the student's choir concerts or anything that is taking place. She is very reliable and is willing to help with anything that makes the classroom a better place for the students to learn. She is not just a paraprofessional and coworker but a truly reliable and sincere person in everything she says and does."

Ryan Guthrie - "Ryan has been reliable all year when I needed him. Every single time he is there and he never complains. The kids rely on him for a good time at school, and he always pulls through! Anytime I have needed something, Ryan always tries his hardest to make it happen! We are blessed to have him!"

Matt Harper - "Matt always is reliable. He lets our preschool team know his plans each week for his students and will do a whole group activity each month. He is very prompt and reliable in writing his progress reports and shares wonderful ideas with parents and staff on how best to work with his IEP students. We are so very impressed with his physical therapy knowledge and skills! Thank you for all you do for us and our students, Matt!" and "Matt keeps me organized. I can rely on him to remind me when I need to get things done and to follow up with questions or tasks I have given him. He is conscientious about his job and strives to give 110% in all areas. He embodies all the STAR qualities and this makes him a perfect example of reliability!! Thanks, Matt for all you do for the students you serve and for your co-workers!"

Mallory Heyder - "Mallory always goes above and beyond for her fellow teachers. She is always available to help out and cover any meetings that a co-worker misses due to last-minute circumstances. She always has her work completed and is always looking at how to continue to grow professionally."

Megan Horn - "Megan is always Reliable! She takes initiative when she sees a need and manages her time to get things done so that she is able to help out either by giving ideas, getting supplies together, or actually stepping in to help! She completes paperwork in a thorough and timely manner! I truly appreciate Megan!!"

Heather Hostetler - "Heather has provided so much extra support for our classroom this year. She has done much more than her job description states and she has been an invaluable team member this year. She has helped our room run smoothly even with staff shortages and plans constantly changing. I am so glad she is on our team and in our room!"

Tisha Kauffman - "Tisha is very reliable and will help in every situation. She is eager to answer questions and uses her knowledge to help us help our students. She always has a listening ear and is a great asset to our program."

Paige Kincaid - "Paige Kincaid is calm, steady, and provides excellent leadership to her students and staff when presented with challenging situations. She is much appreciated!"

Cherie Knight - "Cherie Knight (and her awesome team) have managed to support some very challenging students this year. They struggle daily with behaviors, but Cherie reliably continues to provide that daily support regardless of the fatigue and difficulty this causes. As a result, the students have made progress despite the difficulties. She is actively working to make future situations better for them and all her students. I appreciate Mrs. Knight for her reliability and perseverance."

Martha Lang - "Martha arrives early and prepares for the day. She is one-on-one with a student who can be both fun and extremely challenging emotionally. She offers him both stability and flexibility as his behaviors and moods dictate while also keeping track of his assignments and grades as he completes them. Martha keeps in dialogue with the teacher concerning the issues of her student as well. It should be noted that Martha has a unique and wonderful relationship with her one-on-one student. She uses several techniques to creatively teach and support his development of social awareness/skills. They have impromptu comedic moments that brighten everyone's day. Martha will also support the teacher and assistant as needed and as her position will allow. If her student is absent, she will work with students individually. During class discussions/affective ed., Martha offers key points for consideration by students. Martha completes the day by calling buses after her coverage with her student ends. She is a great asset to MAC."

Katina Lebo - "Katina Lebo is working with two subs who are splitting their time to provide support to their students in the classroom while her teacher has been out long-term. Without Katina working so hard to provide support and continuity to the students amid challenges, the class would be struggling a lot more! I appreciate her reliability and it going above and beyond in providing what her students need!"

Tina Leeper - "Tina respects others' professional expertise and commits to providing a supportive and creative classroom for the students she works with.", "Tina very rarely misses work (she comes on days she should have stayed home sick). She is always ready to help in any way and takes on extra projects on her own. She is pleasant and friendly. Tina is someone I can always count on.", and, 'Tina is incredibly reliable. She does whatever she can for our classroom and our students. I know if there is anything that needs to be done, she will do whatever she can to help get it accomplished."

Terri Mac Donald - "Terri is amazing. I can always count on her to answer any question, and if she does not know the answer she will find it out. She is so patient and consistently supports teachers and students. I do not know how Terri manages all she does. She has so many amazing qualities, reliability is just one."

Molly Meadows - "Molly is a very dependable asset to her classroom. She is always there to help when needed and works hard to support all students. Students enjoy her company and she is always so positive!"

Nannette Mentzer - "Nan has been reliable any time I have needed a question answered, school or life-related. She’s been a reliable friend when I need someone to enjoy time outside of work with. We are lucky to have her and her work ethic!"

Kassydi Miller - "Kassydi does such an amazing job making fun visuals and posters for her students. She makes learning fun and students enjoy being silly and fun with her. We can always count on her to give her all for the students."

Kathleen Nannarone - "Kathleen has been a key component of our team. She has demonstrated amazing resilience and reliability towards staff and students this year. She has shown up daily with a positive outlook and helps any way she can."

Heather Newkirk - "Awesome teacher"

Kip Orndorf - "Kip is constantly asking what he can do to help accomplish goals in the classroom. I can always rely on him to help me out with anything I need. We also can always rely on his goofy personality to raise our spirits on a rough day. It has been a pleasure working with him this year."

Mindy Phillips - "Mindy has stepped up to support our room in so many ways, not only is she providing support as our classroom para but as a 1:1 para many days. With testing and IEP season, she has continually stepped up to keep the classroom running smoothly and the kids learning while the teacher has been out of the room. She has done it with a positive attitude and flexibility as plans continue to change. She has been an irreplaceable part of the team this year!"

Fairhaven Preschool Team - "The ladies and gentlemen that work there are always so kind and happy when I show up for the p.m. Madison-Plains students. They have even gone out of their way to help teach the kids my name and surprised me with it. Hearing this young man say Hi to me using my name brought me so much joy! Working with them for only a few minutes a day this year has made a lasting impression on me that I can only hope to achieve myself throughout my career. Thank you again, ladies and gentlemen, for all that you have done this year!"

Betsy Reames - "Betsy is Respectful to staff, students, and families with her level of professionalism, communication, and time management skills. She is absolutely a great coworker."

Michele Roberts - "You can always rely on Michele. She is always willing to help and always does it with a smile."

Sheila Roberts - "She has been a mentor not just for me but for anyone seeking guidance. She never judges what we have to say but always provides us with amazing insight. Words will never be enough to describe how important she is to us."

Brooke Rutherford - "Brooke works so well with students and cares deeply for each one. We can always count on her during the day to help wherever needed."

Jessica Scholenberger - "Jessica always respects the time and self of others in many aspects of the day as well as commitments of others often putting herself last, whether that means foregoing her lunch break for the day so that her coworkers make sure they get theirs or canceling her own appointments if other staff needs to be off to ensure we have enough staffing for the day. As a working mother, I always feel like she understands and is respectful of my home life needs and helps to make my job easier. Thanks, Jess!"

Melissa Scoville - "Melissa is just fantastic. She is always reliable: you know if you need help with something, she is someone you can always go to. Melissa also manages her time extremely well--she is rather OCD when it comes to time management and organization. But above all, Melissa is a fantastic asset to our agency and an amazingly reliable co-worker."

Julie Slaybaugh - "Julie arrives early and prepares for the day. She completes the multiple tasks necessary as students arrive at the classroom. As assignments are completed, Julie keeps pace with the grading and assists the classroom teacher in any way possible. She is generally well organized and current with record keeping. And Julie does not like to sit idly. Julie enjoys the youth we serve and is willing to take the time to talk with them as their individual needs arise. Also, she has a good understanding of the underlying issues and quirks of our youth: she has a general sense of knowing when to be firm and when to proceed with caution. And if an issue needs further investigation, Julie has proven to be an excellent sleuth! When assistance is needed in another classroom, Julie is quick to respond and be supportive. She is a great asset to our program at MAC."

Rylee Stiverson - "Rylee has been reliable when I have needed a sub, a hand or a friend! She is reliable for my students and the progress they are making with their speech is very much attributed to her being in our room every Tuesday and Wednesday! We are lucky to have her!"

Olivia Storer - "Olivia has been reliable this year when we needed a fresh idea! She is creative and helpful anytime we have needed to rely on her for anything! We are lucky to have her!"

Angie Thomas - "Angie is a great asset to the preschool team. She completes tasks quickly and efficiently and is always willing to help out when needs arise. She follows through with parent and team communications generally within one day!" and "Angie has been very reliable when I have needed a question answered or just when I need prayers. She is reliable for our students and their families, and we are so lucky to have her!"

Marlene Toops - "Marlene has shown proven to be a model of a servant's heart in the classroom. She is always willing to jump into any situation. The students look to her for support and hugs. Marlene is such an important part of our team."

Lisa Webster - "Lisa has been a reliable mentor this year for me. She is always available to answer questions or listen to me vent. I have been lucky to have her on my side this year!"

Cindy Williams - "Cindy has done a great job this year stepping into the Principal's role. She makes decisions while keeping in mind what is best for the students and staff. She does very well at listening to and asking for opinions. We can rely on Cindy coming to work, even though she has sick children at home. Great job, Cindy!"

Cortney Yost - "Cortney has a great schedule in her preschool classroom that keeps not only the children on a routine but is also great for her classroom helpers. Courtney is great at managing her time and works with other preschool classrooms to allow her students to be included. Courtney has two different classes of students and is able to manage to switch up her classroom every day to accommodate the different students' needs. Because of Courtney's reliable schedule, her classroom is able to run a lot more smoothly. If there is a substitute in the classroom it is easy for them to follow along with the well-versed schedule."

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