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Transition Program

Student Handbook

LIFE-Life Skills and Independence for Future Employment

Our purpose is to prepare students for the future by improving their work skills, independent living skills, and social skills while they are still in school. Daily hands-on practice of functional skills is facilitated by our caring and dedicated staff. We offer both a Transition Classroom and Skills Lab.

Our LIFE Transition Classroom is an option for students with disabilities who are close to graduation who are preparing to work at a competitive community job and need focused preparation for independence and vocational training and career planning. The intervention specialist works with students on these skills in the classroom and hands-on at the community job site three days a week. Students considering this program must be able to work independently for short periods of time and demonstrate work-appropriate behaviors.

As part of the LIFE Transition Program, we also offer the LIFE Skills Lab. Teachers both within our Low Incidence Program and from surrounding districts come to the Skills Lab either on a regularly scheduled basis or through a specially scheduled visit to give their junior high and/or high school students the opportunity to complete authentic OT developed vocational tasks in a classroom that offers an abundance of resources. OT support is available to assist with modifying and adapting tasks and materials to be appropriate for individual students. The Skills Lab also offers some outreach resources to districts including a Lending Library, Vocational Assessments, and student Prep Courses. The driver’s ed prep course is currently available and OSHA Safety & Health will be offered soon. Other prep courses including safe food handling and housekeeping safety are still under development.

Training for Life

Get Ready to Drive Flyer

Get Ready to Drive Video

For more information, please call (937)484-1557 or email Patricia Kauffman,